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New Earth Guardians & Educators
...Shout out to all Guardians...
...congratulations you have one of the most important Soul Missions here on this planet. Thank you, for being here and for being of service to humanity. As a Guardian, a Self-Love and Self-Care routine as well as practise is very important for your overall health.
Always reheart, that you are doing the best you can. Please let go of any judgement you may have on yourself, any guilt or shame, let it all go... forgive yourself, and know that you are doing the best you can. No one on this planet is perfect. We are all just doing the best we can. Always give yourself time to process any emotions... a solid cry, a salt bath, a workout, a walk in the park, dance, sing, whatever it is, that brings you joy... do it, it will help you to process any emotions or stuck energy.
Let go, and give all your worries to Mother & Father God. Simply take responsibility and then forgive yourself. Always work with your Spiritual Team as well as your own Higher-Self. You are never alone, prayer helps as well as asking for guidance & support. Re-heart, you are a Divine Being...
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