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As for me, I can't possibly tell you my whole life's story because it would take too long, however, what I will say, is that I myself, was an extremely sensitive child growing up.  My experience within the school system was not the greatest. I was labelled as... "painfully shy" and would be sent to the "Special Class", with 5 other students who were deemed "struggling students". Never mind the fact that I could draw, sing or paint really well.

To be honest, I never felt shy, I was just sensitive to energy and found everything in this world to be bizarre.  E
specially Church, I could never understand why all the other kids liked going up for "Children's Circle" with the Minister. Church had a really weird energy. I'm sure a lot of you who are reading this can relate, if you yourself, were a sensitive child
growing up. 


However, as Life went on, I basically learned to play the game... in this over masculine, power over, fear based world. Like all of us, I learned to stuff my emotions down and try to not seem too sensitive. Thank God I had my own room where I could just be in my "own little world".  I realize now, that my room was a place where I could protect my energy.  I could just dance, sing, draw and do all kinds of things I loved.  

My Earth Mom told me that as a child I would always mysteriously disappear, even on camping trips... she would find me alone in the tent wanting personal space.

To make a long story short, I didn't start excepting my Spiritual Psychic Gifts until around 2013, when it became impossible to ignore.  Both of my deceased Grandpa's, who I would like to call, "Ascended Soul's within the Etheric Realm" otherwise known as my Spirit Guides or Guardian Angels, were trying desperately to get my attention. Not to mention the extreme ringing in the ears and Angel Numbers. 

There were also orbs found within the apartment and my roommates cat was acting really strange, lots of paranormal activity... haha... there were so many other things happening in this one apartment building, but I won't get into it.  

Another thing that was happening, was that my body felt like it was falling apart... my L5 & L4 dics in my lower back were bone on bone, as well as my facet joints. I was constantly walking around in pain, my hips was lopsided, and my shoulders and neck were constantly stiff.  I couldn't understand why this was happening to me. I would think to myself, "I'm not over weight, and I'm only in my late 20's, this should not be happening to me." 

The reason why my body was collapsing on, was due to the fact that my internal yin and yang, my divine feminine & masculine energy within was completely unbalanced and I
was also taking on others peoples energy. My skeleton system was collapsing on me because I didn't have a strong internal foundation. Of course, at the time I had no idea.

As time went by, more and more strange things happen... like books falling off the shelve in Chapters.  Of course these books had the best messages and they were just what I needed to here at the time. One was called, "Spirit Junkie" by Gabrielle Bernstein and the other "Light is the New Black", by Rebecca Campbell.

Another thing that was happening, was that my body felt like it was falling apart... my L5 & L4 dics in my lower back were bone on bone, as well as my facet joints. I was constantly walking around in pain, my hips was lopsided, and my shoulders and neck were constantly stiff.  I couldn't understand why this was happening to me. I would think to myself, "I'm not over weight, and I'm only in my late 20's, this should not be happening to me." 

The reason why my body was collapsing on, was due to the fact that my internal yin and yang, my divine feminine & masculine energy within was completely unbalanced and I
was also taking on others peoples energy. My skeleton system was collapsing on me because I didn't have a strong internal foundation. Of course, at the time I had no idea.

As time went by, more and more strange things happen... like books falling off the shelve in Chapters.  Of course these books had the best messages and they were just what I needed to here at the time. One was called, "Spirit Junkie" by Gabrielle Bernstein and the other "Light is the New Black", by Rebecca Campbell.

Gabrielle, had the best advance.  Her advance was to write a letter to God... she said, "When you've hit rock bottom and you don't know what to do, just write this sentence on a piece of paper... Dear, God... I surrender... Where would you have me go...?? and What would you have me do...??"

At that time, I was in so much pain, that surrendering seemed like the best thing to do... so that night, I did just that... It wasn't too much longer that miracles started to show up in my life, I started to meet that right people at the right time, I actually met the best healer who could help heal my back...

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